Either way can work for your restaurant sometimes but there can be times when things don’t go the way you want them to which results in not so good fried produce and that’s a big no for your restaurant’s reputation. Well, good news because SH Traders have got a way out of this fuss; VITO oil tester.
SH Traders makes frying an easier task for your restaurant with this amazing foodservice equipment VITO oil tester. This cooking oil tester is a quick way to determine whether the oil has the potential to fry more items or is it time to change. The oil tester can also help you know the temperature of the cooking oil so you can fry different products at their suited temperatures.
Knowing the accurate temperature of the oil and being able to testify if the oil can be further is a serious aid for your restaurant business by VITO cooking oil tester that is a part of SH Trader’s foodservice equipment.

VITO Oil tester is proof that SH Traders strive to make cooking oil management easy for you so you continue serving the best-fried food in the town. Upgrade your restaurant’s kitchen with SH Trader’s foodservice equipment. Find out more about the cooking oil tester and much more at https://www.shtraders.com/product/vito-oiltester/
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